Circle8 Integrates the Power of AI to Solve the Global Plastic Crisis
Perth, Western Australia – Feb. 6, 2024 – The amount of plastic products that continue to be dumped in landfills is a global problem. Mark Grogan, owner of Circle8, has harnessed the power of artificial intelligence (AI) for an innovative solution to waste removal and management. It has the ability to disrupt the worldwide plastic crisis and deposit return systems.
Circle8’s unique solution employs smart bins and an integrated data platform to identify waste using ultra-low powered AI. It’s affordable, consumer-centered, and encourages everyone to participate in addressing the ever-growing plastics problem.
Circle8 has designed the next step in green solutions. Data is collected in real-time that provides insights that can then be used to improve sustainability. The company utilizes advanced cybersecurity and privacy protection for all data. The company’s advanced technology is particularly beneficial for container deposit systems.
Despite the social, economic and environmental benefits, many people simply throw plastics with a deposit or that are recyclable in the trash. Only 13 percent of plastic packaging is recycled and approximately 36 percent of plastic drink bottles. When plastics break down, they release microplastics that pollute soil, air and water. Microplastics have been found in humans, pets and wildlife. The company’s unique solution results in better environmental outcomes for people and the planet.
The company’s innovative technology is also an important element of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) that’s an increasingly important aspect for businesses and organizations of all sizes and scopes. The data empowers businesses to manage their image and effectively plan and implement ESG policies. The innovative approach to waste and its management developed by Circle8 is changing the way people think about plastic trash. The combination of AI and integrated data platform provides the means for everyone to aid in the reduction of plastic pollution in the environment for a healthier planet that also conserves valuable natural resources.
About Circle8
Circle8’s disruptive technology offers a convenient, affordable and accessible solutions to target the global plastics crisis. Our product will fosterbrand-consumer connections and drive global participation in deposit return systems. Connect with Circle8 on LinkedIn.