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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 15/02/2022 in News

Will I Improve My Health By Switching To The Best Vapes Australia Can Offer?

The answer to this is a definite yes if you are a smoker, or use tobacco in any other way. A start by saying the same thing they will tell you in any vape store, that being that we can’t guarantee that vaping is 100% safe and healthy. The thing is, there are always possibilities for long-term, prolonged health issues after a long period of using something. Vape technology is too young in and of itself for that amount of time to past for any potential long-term issues to have presented themselves. That said, we know a lot about the 3 basic compounds in vape juice, and they have been used for a long time and other applications. Aside from the obvious things like allergies which are somewhat unpredictable, these ingredients have not proven harmful over those long stretches of time. There is no reason to suspect that this combination of these ingredients for this particular application would change any of that.


That said, the best vapes Australia can offer are a far better alternative to tobacco. Tobacco contains a lot of toxic substances, even if you are chewing or dipping or the like, but smoking it is probably the least healthy way to use it. It is the nicotine, it’s not really the dangerous substance in tobacco when used the way directed. In actuality, while very addictive, tobacco is only toxic and significant concentrations, the concentrations present when it was used as a pesticide by New World natives and early pioneers/colonial farmers.


When you smoke, though, it’s even worse. You are inhaling ash, carcinogens and nonflammable oils. Truth be told, the only part of it you want is really the oils, though we have all become psychologically dependent on the slight irritating sensation of the smoke caused by the ash. Vaping does not use combustion, and instead of an irritating sensation from ash, and effervescent sensation is produced by the artificial flavoring, while the propylene glycol or vegetable oil glycerin compound is literally nothing but provide bulk and the nicotine just does its thing.


This produces an absence of secondhand smoke, and absence of ash, an absence of voters and so forth, making it vastly healthier than cigarettes or any other tobacco use. As a matter of fact, even if you are able to actually blow the “smoke” from a vape in someone’s face, which is difficult given it dissipates and breaks down in seconds, the worse they would do is maybe sneeze. You can’t hotbox a car or anything with this stuff, and the nicotine in it is completely absorbed when inhaled, meaning that no secondhand exposure even to nicotine itself is really possible.


If you are interested in a healthier way to live, is the one-stop online vape store for the best vapes Australia can offer along with flavor cartridges, accessories and much more! You can save a bundle, or living healthier but not sacrificing that good life we’ve all gotten use to!

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