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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 02/09/2022 in News

Why Should you see a Physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist is a medical professional you would make an appointment to see if your doctor recommends that you do physio West Perth. Your doctor might send you to have physio treatments if you are in chronic pain, in pain from an injury, or a chronic condition that affects how you function on a daily basis. You may be referred to one after you have had a heart attack or stroke or hip replacement surgery.

Physio North Perth can help you manage pain, mobility, motor functions, or balance. One of the main reasons that you might need a physio is if you are living with persistently chronic pain that lasts for a week or more. This is especially true if the chronic pain is hindering your ability to do daily tasks or your ability to move. This treatment will focus on the actual problem to help take of it and help you become more mobile and able to do things.

If you have undergone surgery, such as a hip replacement, or sometimes before surgery, physio West Perth can help. If you do the exercises that are recommended before surgery, it can help you have an easier recovery. One example is if you are having cardiac surgery, physio exercises can teach you how to cough while supporting the site of the wound to help prevent opening the wound.

During pregnancy and afterward, physio North Perth can help with supporting their joints and back.  It can also help to fight possible injuries to their spine or pelvis. There are exercises that can help the new mother have a faster recovery after the baby is born.

If you have a neurological or chronic ailment that hinders movement, like Parkinson’s Disease or a spinal cord injury, physio can help. It can also help if you have just started exercising or doing sports if you are injured or overdo it with your exercises.  

Movement is so important in your life so if you cannot move, or it is painful to move, then it might be time you are recommended for physio to help you get your movement back. When doing physio, the physiotherapist can help you improve your posture to help alleviate your neck, back, and waist pain.  This will help reduce the stress on your body. The right posture can also help you sleep better and not wake up in pain.

Using physio, you can get relief for your joint pains without using medication. Physio can involve massage, hydrotherapy, and exercise. These will help with your range of motion naturally, help you to prevent injuries in the future, and relieve pain.


Physio is a great alternative to taking medication, both over-the-counter and prescription.  It can help you before and after surgery. If you are having joint pain, talk to your family doctor and ask for a referral for physio. It is also a good form of treatment to help athletes who have suffered injuries to their muscles, ligaments, tendons, or joints.

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