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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 29/09/2021 in News

What you Need to Know About Podiatry

Rosanna podiatry is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatments of conditions that affect your lower leg and foot.   This can include problems with walking, injuries, nail or skin diseases, complications that can result from a medical condition like diabetes, and more.  It can be the solution for all problems with your feet.  When you visit their office, the doctor will do an exam, diagnose the issue, and then prescribe treatment.  They may also need to run some tests such as an x-ray to find out the problem.

In addition to treating foot and lower limb problems, a podiatrist can also implement strategies on risk prevention, minimize the need for hospitalization or invasive treatment and therapeutic care plans that can help you improve your mobility.  They are a medical specialist that is responsible with disorders of the lower limbs that can be debilitating and painful.  These conditions can be linked to muscular problems, circulatory or neurological diseases, or joint and bone disorders.  

Things a podiatrist might do

  • Recommend orthotic correction
  • Prescribe shoe inserts to support or correct arches, heels, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and bones in your feet.
  • If surgery is necessary, they will collaborate with the orthopedic surgeon to make sure the patient gets the proper care.
  • Offer advice on athletic footwear
  • Help with any issues that concern occupational health and safety.

Conditions they treat

This is a list of some of the many conditions or issues that a doctor of Eltham podiatry might treat.  

  • Arthritis
  • Calluses
  • Corns
  • Effects from diseases like diabetes
  • Fractures
  • Developmental abnormalities that could affect walking
  • Foot fatigue
  • Sports injuries
  • Skin cancer on the feet
  • Arch pain
  • Foot ulcers
  • Cracked heels

When you visit a podiatrist’s office for the first time, it can take 30-60 minutes for the visit.  They will take your medical history and address the symptoms.   They will also access your range of motion, gait, and footwear.  They may also ask you to walk, jump if possible, and stand so they evaluate the health of your joints and the alignment of your feet with your spine.   Once they have found the cause of the problem, then they will make a treatment plan.  


If you are having issues with your feet or lower limbs you should call and make an appointment with your local podiatry office to have them checked out.  Most everyone spends a majority of the day on their feet, and it is not normal for your feet to be tired and achy at the end of the day.  Seeing Rosanna podiatry can help you find a solution and make it easier and less painful to be on your feet.  It can also prevent problems later.

It is important that you see a podiatrist every six months, especially if you have a medical condition like diabetes, that can affect the health of your feet.  Most can wait and do it yearly but if you start to experience any pain you should make an appointment to see your podiatrist prevent future problems.

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