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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 14/12/2021 in News

Tips for Hiring a Renovation Contractor

Many times, instead of selling their home, people will decide to renovate instead.   Some figure that it is cheaper to renovate than sell, which in some cases it can be.  Before beginning this project, you need to make sure you have planned out what the renovation will be, your budget, and then saving for the renovation or taking out a loan for the project.

When hiring a contractor for home renovation Macedon Ranges, you want to be sure that you are hiring the right one.  The right renovation contractor will turn your dream plans into reality.  Before choosing a contractor for your project, make sure you do your research.  If you do not know of a renovation contractor, ask friends and family for a recommendation.

Once you have the name of a renovation builder Macedon Ranges you want to contact, ask them how they bid for the job, and how they are going to work with subcontractors.  Make sure they are not in it just for the money but consider your plans and work to make them come true.  Call their references and if possible, visit them to check out their work.

If you are ready to hire them, first check to verify their insurance and license.   You need to be sure they are licensed for residential renovation jobs.  You could check with the state regulatory office to make sure that they have a clean record and there were no legal issues or complaints about the contractor’s work.

From the beginning of the project, make sure you are setting a professional tone. Make sure that they understand from the beginning what your vision is for the project and that you expect the job to be done well.  When you keep it on a professional level it will make it easier for you to speak up if something does not meet your expectations and you want it to be corrected.

Although you have set a budget for the home renovation Macedon Ranges project, unexpected things can happen to throw it out of kilter.  You should add at least 20% more to your budget.  It is the contractor’s job to stick to the budget that is set up, but things can happen.  If they request more money, ask why and then check it out to make sure it is really necessary to spend more money.  It is best not to let them know the exact budget as some may try to maximize that budget even if it could have been cheaper.

It is also very important to get everything in writing, so it is all clear what the project is, how long it is going to take, etc.  A paper trail will protect both you and the renovation builder Macedon Ranges.  Before you sign off on the contract, have an attorney read over it to be sure everything is there that needs to be before both signs it.


Following these tips will help make sure that your renovation problem will be exactly what you want.  It made take time to find the right builder, but it will be worth it in the end.

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