When starting to vape it can be a difficult transition if you are vaping in order to give up smoking tobacco, this is because your body naturally has cravings for nicotine which is the addictive chemical substance in cigarettes.
You can now get vape juice which has nicotine in so that you can still get that “hit” but without putting all of the damaging chemicals in your body as is the case with cigarettes.
When looking for vape juiceit can feel like an endless task, smoking a vape has become a lot more popular and so there are a lot more flavours of vape juice available. From blueberry to mint, there are hundreds of different flavours for vape juice to choose from and so the process can be quite difficult and time consuming.
Often due to the cheapness of vape juice, people will buy several different types to try so that they can find their favourite one that they will want to use regularly.
The price of tobacco and cigarettes is constantly rising and is a very expensive habit to have developed, with this being said, vaping is a much cheaper and healthier alternative that you can try.
The initial expense for a vape is the actual vape pen but after you have purchased this, the vape juice is very cheap, a lot cheaper than the cost of cigarettes. Vaping will save you a lot of money whilst also benefitting your health.
Giving up
Vaping is what a lot of smokers use in order to help them to give up, the vape juice contains nicotine and can come in several strengths if you want to slowly wean yourself off nicotine then you can gradually use different vape juices with lower nicotine concentration in them. Most smokers that give up find that one of the hardest aspects of giving up smoking is the fact that they have nothing to do with their hands, smokers like the habit of moving the hand up and down in a smoking motion as it keeps them distracted and busy.
With more research being done each and every single day, it is undeniable at this point that smoking has strong connections with all kinds of cancer and is considered to be the leading cause. Smoking also causes health problems and speeds up the aging process and is generally all round bad for you. Smoking cigarettes is bad for you because it can clog up arteries, affect your lungs and be all round problematic for your health, even the packets now state the dangers of smoking cigarettes and it is no longer a sociable habit to have. Smoking is largely considered to be a dirty, dangerous and unsociable habit to have and is one which is no longer “cool” and “desirable” as it was advertised and glamourised in the 1980s. With this in mind, vaping is becoming a cooler thing to do as they produce harmless vapours instead of smoke.