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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 01/03/2022 in News

SEO writing Tips You Could Follow

It is a well-known fact that SEO and content go hand in hand. Without SEO, the content may get lost somewhere among the search results. The traffic on such pages is less than satisfactory. The first-page ranking could only do so much if the content post-click is crummy.  This is why there is a need for a good relationship between SEO and great content. 

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Have a look at some of the tips on how to write SEO content to make the content stand out and enhance SEO efforts.

•           Write for your audience

SEO content writing might seem easy enough but you could see a lot of companies who make content for the wrong reasons. You could write content that would appeal to the interests of your target market or answer their questions. All posts need not be regarding the product or service offered by the brand but should be industry related. Assert the company and yourself as an expert in the industry by creating SEO friendly content that is informative, engaging and interesting and write it better than your competitors.

•           Keep all of it under the same roof

Gain traffic and credit your website deserves by keeping the original content under its domain name. If you have an opportunity anytime to showcase other forms of original content such as infographics, videos or white papers, you should make sure to embed them onto the website and share it from there.

•           Make headlines that pack a punch

There is a very short amount of text to make a huge impression. Do not underestimate the power of an effective headline on SEO. You should write headlines that are interesting and clear and make use of rich keywords.  Other than providing a great headline, you should also make sure that the meta descriptions are interesting and elaborate for the topic of your article. You should keep in mind that the title and meta description shows up in the search results. Hence, you should make it count. 

•           Make use of keyword-rich phrases

You can use keyword research and relevant phases in the headlines and throughout the content to let the readers and the search engines know what the post is all about. However, you should be aware that using too many keywords might not only be a turn-off but also result in search engine penalties for keyword stuffing. You should make use of keyboards sparingly and thoughtfully by sticking to a more natural feel. Other than using keywords throughout the body of your post, you should also take advantage of block tags by tagging some of the relevant keywords for each post. Most general blogs would have tracking capabilities that are already built-in.

•           Structure the posts

The content of your post might be great but it might easily get lost if the format is inefficient and unorganised. Breaking the content into smaller paragraphs with headlines will make it an easy read that would keep the readers engaged. When it comes to search engines, back-end organisation is key. Make use of proper tag hierarchy when you are tagging headlines. It is very important to maintain a well-structured article. 

•           Incorporate imagery

Make the posts pop with images. People are visual. If you add an image along with the blog post, it might make a big impression. Rather than promoting the blogs across the other social media channels, the posts that contain images could also be saved which would add another avenue for traffic to your website. 

•           Propel the content with the help of social media

Social media could be a powerful tool that could help increase the reach of your content and promote sharing. Post each new hotel on social media sites and in forums with the help of engaging descriptions and a call to action. As the power of social media lies in sharing, it is very important to have share buttons on each of the blog posts. If you want more control over how the links would appear when they are shared, you could make use of various tools that are available on social media which might provide the shared link and would help you with click-through rates.

•           Implement various tools

Making use of different tools could be an easy and quick way to tie the content to a particular author. If you have the basic requirements, tickles would come up as rich snippets in search results of search engine pages. It might also feature the author's photo along with the title of the article. Making use of tools could be great for personal promotion and would also help increase the click-through rate of the articles. You could easily learn how to make use of such tools online.

•           Promote natural link building

Link building has come a long way from the days of link farms and linked buying. However, links are still an important ranking factor for SEO. Linking to your articles or website in the post would make sure that you would get a link back to your website if the article is picked by another website. If you get creative with other types of content such as videos and infographics, you could add embed code on your website which will help in promoting the content sharing and also add a link back to the source. Preparing great SEO content would help in increasing the share ability and likelihood that other websites would link to it. Hence, you should always aim for quality.

•           Monitor your activity

You could remain on top of your SEO friendly content by monitoring your efforts. Various easy and free tools can help in tracking your page views and the average time that is spent on a page. You could also check details regarding the bounce rate and the time on the website to get an idea of how users interact with the website after landing on the content. If there is a high drop off in addition to the lower average time spent on the page, it would indicate that the content was not relevant to what they were looking for or it might not be interesting. You should also look at the number of social interactions like the number of likes, shares etc. to gain a regarding the virality of your post. If you look at the simple metrics, it can provide you with a good idea of which content is well received and light so that you could replicate the type of content.

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