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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 16/08/2022 in News

McNally & Gleeson Defends Against Multiple Firearms, Weapons Charges

Firearms are strictly regulated and individuals can easily run afoul of those laws. People often find themselves facing a wide range of gun and weapons charges with severe penalties. The law firm of McNally and Gleeson, owned by Damian McNally, is well-known as a preeminent criminal law specialist and can assist those that find themselves charged with a firearm violation.

Individuals that want a firearm must be licensed and demonstrate a genuine reason for it other than self-defence. Citizens can face charges if they possess, carry or use a firearm without a license. Weapons charges also extend to the use, manufacture, carriage, trafficking or possession of a firearm.

The technology is also now readily available to create ghost guns, which adds an extra level of difficulty for individuals and reasons for potential charges. Anyone can face charges even for being in possession of an imitation firearm that emulates the appearance of a real gun. McNally & Gleeson is an experienced criminal law firms Melbourne able to provide an effective defence for charges in ghost gun and imitation weapons cases.

The lawyer Melbourne defends against firearm charges that includes possessing, using or carrying an unregistered firearm, along with possessing, using or carrying a controlled weapon. The law firm also represents clients on charges of possessing a trafficable quantity of unregistered firearms and control or use of dangerous articles. Individuals may also face charges if they’re considered a prohibited person.

Laws governing firearms have changed and evolved along with the development of new technology. There are six firearm categories that can result in criminal charges and even antique firearms can inadvertently cause serious problems for people, depending upon the state in which they live. Anyone facing firearm charges will benefit from the experience and expertise to be found with the criminal lawyers Melbourne at McNally & Gleeson.

Media Contact

McNally & Gleeson

Phone: (03) 9670 3633

Email: [email protected]

Level 1, 329 Queensberry St.

North Melbourne

VIC 3051

Website: https://gleesons.com.au

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