Managing Back Pain - How Acupuncture, Massage, and Other Treatments Can Help You
Imagine a treatment for your back pain that not only makes your back feel better, but also relieves stress and treats other issues you may be having.
There are several treatments a back pain specialist Perth can give you different options, including acupuncture and massage.
Sit back and learn how a back pain chiropractor can help you relax more with less pain.
Acupuncture therapy
The practice of acupuncture goes back to ancient times.
Acupuncture is the process of using small quill like hollow needles, and certain stimulation points to treat many ailments, plus provide relaxation and balance to your body.
These small needles are inserted into the outermost layer of skin in certain meridian points.
This procedure stimulates your central nervous system and signals your body to release naturally occurring healing chemicals into the spinal cord, brain, and muscles.
Through the help of acupuncture you can see relief from acute or chronic back pain, muscle spasms, arthritis, and even headaches.
Relief from acute pain may be seen after your first acupuncture treatment.
For best results, you will want to have a few sessions of acupuncture.
Massage therapy
Massage therapy is for more than just relaxing.
There are a few types of massage that you can receive to treat your back pain — trigger point therapy, scar tissue management, or deep tissue massage, to name a few.
Trigger point therapy is similar to acupuncture, since it uses pressure and rubbing on certain pressure or trigger points.
Scar tissue management uses pulling and stretching to remodel scar tissue to resolve the pain caused by it.
Deep tissue massage is the process of massaging deep into the muscles and other tissue in your back — or other areas.
Massage can be used to ease, treat, and cure the root causes of your back pain.
As you continue to see a chiropractor for massage, you can also regain mobility and strength as the source of your pain is loosened and removed from your body.
Other ways
Massage and acupuncture therapy may make you feel better and treat the source of your pain, but there are other treatments you can receive as well — spinal manipulation, at-home exercises, dietary changes, etc.
Spinal manipulation is like massage in feel, yet it is the process of realigning your spine and adjusting your back to ease pain and promote a healthy flow through the spinal cord.
To maintain the progress you achieve through treatment at the chiropractor’s office, you may be given a list of exercises to do at home.
At times your chiropractor may suggest you introduce changes to your diet to assist in treatment through a healthy body or weight loss.
A back pain chiropractorcan help you relax more, treat your back pain, and even treat other issues with acupuncture and massage.
There are several other ways to treat it without surgery or medication, with the help of a back pain specialist Perth.
Set up a treatment plan with your chiropractor today, so you can start your pain free, relaxed, and happier journey through life soon.