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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 23/09/2022 in News

Make Your Own Gardening Gift Basket

Are you trying to think of what gift to give someone you know who enjoys gardening? There are many great options, a Haws watering can for example but how about making up your own gardening gift basket for them? They will love the things you put in it and the thought that went into it as well. Of course, there are premade baskets for all sorts of people and purposes but placing individual things in a basket that you create is more special. Just make sure you put in things you know they will use, each item with thought behind it and try to avoid using cheap things as fillers. Less is better if it is well-made and wanted.


If you need some ideas

As well as having some ideas here for you there are other places you might look if it does not give you a full basket's worth of items. You can look at what ready-made baskets have in them and take some tips from there, or you could go to somewhere like a greenhouse supply shop, garden centre and similar places and look for items that inspire you. Remember though that this is for someone else, you are not buying what you would want! Think about whether they are a seasoned gardener or more of an amateur or just starting out.


For the latter, you might choose things like Burgon & Ball gardening gloves, different packs of seeds, a new apron, plant markets, a nice journal to keep as a gardening log, sunscreen, and some nice quality hand tools like a garden trowel. You might even make the ‘basket’ part of the gift and use a harvesting basket or trug. For the former, you might add a kneeler, replace much-loved pruning shears or such with the same brand they prefer, a sharpener for their tools, or covers for their greenhouse, might also be an idea.


Additional tips and advice

If you choose to give a smaller basket you might include with it a potted plant and a Haws galvanised can to water it with. You could also add a gift certificate to their favourite supplier or garden centre so they can get some things for themselves. If you know a young person who enjoys being in the garden a great gift for them are tools that actually fit their hands and are not too heavy, gloves that properly protect them and their own basket to carry things around in. You could also add a fun sunhat and sunscreen and lip balm so that stay protected as they work with you or with whoever they like to garden with.  



Another thing you might gift a gardener with is your time and if you have it your strength and energy! Some of the work in maintaining a garden is hard and physical so giving them your time to dig out a bed or till the garden with a Burgon & Ball tool or whatever it is would probably be much welcome!

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