Loukas Law is a Powerful Advocate for Children During Divorce and Separation
When adults decide to separate or divorce, they tend to overlook the emotional and mental impact that the event will have on their children. Furthermore, each party assumes they’ll have custody of their offspring. Loukas Law has the experience and knowledge that will make a significant difference in custody arrangements.
Separation and divorce have long-lasting effects on children that have been well-documented. Some children adjust better to their new circumstances than others, but all may have feelings of anger and anxiety to distress, disbelief and guilt. Children often appear to be “fine” when they’re really not. Loukas Law prioritises the interests of children now and in the future, while providing the expert services that clients need.
The family lawyers Perth will gather an extensive array of information about the environment that the children will be entering. It can be an especially trying time for clients, particularly if abuse, domestic violence, alcoholism or drug addiction is involved - or if issues such as social functioning or psychiatric issues are present.
Divorce and separation are complicated and rarely straightforward. Planning a future for clients and their children can be an extremely complex undertaking. If a parent plans on relocating either domestically or abroad, divorce lawyers Perth have the specialised advice and legal counsel required to guide them through the process.
The family divorce lawyers Perth will address a myriad of issues on behalf of the client to ensure children are provided for financially and safe from violence. Loukas Law is cognisant of the psychological impact divorce and separation has on every member of the family. The firm is a pioneer in client services and works with an extensive network of professional counsellors that clients can call upon to obtain the knowledge and support they need to make well-informed decisions.
Loukas Law provides clients with a full range of legal services and options for their unique circumstances. While issues such as the distribution of assets is an important consideration for clients, when children are involved Loukas Law will always be a powerful advocate for the children now and for the future.
About Loukas Law
We care about seeing you come through your family law process in your best personal shape, so that you can build your best future. We are dedicated to look after you from every perspective, legally, financially and personally. We are your support, counsel and advocate. Our strength will be your solution.