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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 02/08/2021 in News

Looking For A Foot Specialist

While you find a list of names for a Podiatrist easily enough via a local phone book or even quicker an internet search, there are no guarantee that all of those names are experienced and outstanding in their field. Being a foot expert does not make it any less important to find a podiatrist Bundoora residents recommend with a great reputation who knows how to take care of their patients.

Places to start looking

National organisations - The APODA (Australian Podiatry Association is a nation organisation podistrists pay to be a member of and to which certain requirements have to be fulfilled. At the moment its has over 2500 members and is a great place to get information, recommendations and support. You can visit their website or give then a call.

Family and friends - Sometimes when you are looking for a professional of any kind it pays off to ask around in your circle of friends and family. They might have someone they use regularly and highly recommend, or at least have some suggestions of what podiatrist Diamond Creek or where they live to try out.

A referral from your doctor - Sometimes your doctor may refer you to a specialist because either the issue is not something they are as familiar with, or because their initial efforts to help have not been as effective as they hoped. A specialist podiatrist Bundoora has specific training and experience that can help them with cases that are not as comfortable for your regular doctor. You can also talk to your doctor about who they recommend. This is not necesssaruly a referral but just one professional knowing names of other professionals their patients might want to call.

Easy internet search - As mentioned looking online is a very effective and easy way to find a podiatrist in the area you live. You can get a list of potential doctors and their websites and look through them, seeing what services they offer, where they are located, how long they have been a podistraist and possibly answer some other questions you might have. You can then choose two or three to talk to before you narrow it down to one.  

Meet with the podiatrist and ask questions

Meeting with the podiatrist is a good idea to get an impression of them, how do you feel talking to them, do they answer questions and do you feel good about their background? A lot of people do not ask questions but most really do not mind and it is a good way to make sure you are a good match. Take your list of questions with you to the podiatrist Diamond Creek or where you are and you can make sure you do not forget to ask anything.


A podiatrist is a doctor that specialise in treating feet. It does not have to be a serious condition, you can see them about anything related to the health of your feet. Make sure you feel welcomed and safe with them so that when you need them you do not avoid going to see them!

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