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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 02/12/2021 in News

Keep Your House Clean Efficiently

Your house is your identity. The place where one lives should be neat and clean. A tidy house is liked by everyone and it is equally enjoyed by everyone. People often consider cleaning as daily mopping their house but often neglect small details that are must to be observed. Here, we will point out some minute details that are to be kept in mind while cleaning your house.

Sweep and Mop

Obviously sweeping and mopping are some basic cleaning methods that are followed in every house. What needs to be paid attention to is that your sweeping broom and mop should also be cleaned on a daily basis. The sweeping broom should be changed monthly and mop should be washed with detergent after every use so it’s clean for next time use.

Vacuum and Dust

 Floor cleaning doesn’t guarantee a clean house and thus dusting and vacuum are also important parts of cleaning up a house. If your house is carpeted, make sure you vacuum it daily, similarly your furniture needs to be dusted daily too. Ensure to dust out your furniture completely leaving no side unattended. You should turn your fan off when you start this task.

Watch Out for Bugs

People often don’t bother to pay attention to pests and bugs that get comfortable in their houses. Pests and bugs get into the sofas, rugs, curtains, beds and other furniture items and become a cause of certain ailments. The spiders often make themselves relaxed with the walls and leave small webs around them, giving your house an untidy look. To get rid of the insects, either you can use insect repellent sprays regularly or take service from pest management companies. Also look out for your web-lined walls and use spider extermination services from designated organizations.

Glass and Mirrors

Cleaning windows, door glass, washroom mirrors and other decorative mirrors and glass items is also sometimes ignored by us.  Glass and mirrors are delicate to handle and need care to deal with. You should always buy a good glass cleaning spray and if not daily then at least try to clean the glass and mirrors on a weekly basis. The weather conditions affect the windows’ glass and thus it needs maintenance as well. Washroom mirrors also get blurry due to water droplets of steam, and that gives quite an unpleasant view. Next time when you clean your house, spare some time for glass and mirrors too.

Use Disinfectants

With the outburst of Covid-19, sanitizers and disinfectants have come forward as a necessary tool while you clean your house. After you have dusted out your furniture, make sure to use a disinfectant spray for the top surfaces like TV, table tops, electronic appliances, door handles etc. While buying cleaning items, try to go for those items which are likely to have some sort of disinfectant antibacterial properties. Germs can be unavoidable in the house but one can always take measures to prevent them.

Move Around Your Furniture

Once in a while, spare some extra time to clean your house. Move your furniture aside and clean each and every corner of your house. Dust and unwanted waste often accumulates behind the furniture items under it, and until the furniture isn’t moved wholly for cleaning, the waste keeps on piling up. Better to slide aside those sofas and beds and clean the area underneath.

Give Your House a Refreshing Smell

After you have cleaned your house try to add some breezy smells to it. Use air fresheners and mists to give your house a refreshing odor. Houses that smell nice, look nicer. A clean, tidy and pleasing house is where someone would love to come after a long busy day.

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