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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 13/09/2021 in News

Just a Few Advantages of Owning a Portable Chain Sawmill

Once you are the proud owner of your mill you will never look back! Most sawyers will tell you it is one of their best purchases in fact. For some, it is all about being able to take the raw materials and turn them into a finished project, for others, it means the opportunity to start their own business. Whatever your reasons for thinking about making this purchase, a portable mill over one that is not portable makes sense. It means you can move the mill to the logs rather than having to work out how to move heavy and awkward logs to a mill! Here are just a few of the main benefits of owning your own portable chain sawmill.


Four benefits to consider


1) Earn money from the purchase

A lot of owners of mills end up being able to make money from their purchase, even when that might not have been their intention at first. They can in fact very quickly get the cost of the purchase back and then start turning a profit. Other people when they know you have a mill especially a portable chain sawmill might ask you to come and cut their logs and you can charge for that service. People might have a tree that has fallen, storms often bring them down for example. Others have particular dimensions or species of wood they are looking for that are harder to get. It is a common thing among mill owners to supplement their income with their mill.


2) Take advantage of downed trees

When you love to build and create with wood seeing a log fallen and having to keep driving or walking can be quite a struggle! It is just a waste right! Now with a portable mill though you do not have to feel like that. You can come back with your mill and give that fallen tree a purpose beyond being chipped or turned into firewood. Take a walk after a storm and you will likely find a whole host of treasures.


3) Work with arborists and local tree services

Arborists are trained tree experts. They and local tree services often have logs that need disposing of. Most as mentioned above, will chip them into mulch or turn it into firewood, but if the property owner has no use for either, you could give their logs a better purpose. If they are faced with trees that have to be removed perhaps because of pests, you can take on the project to turn them into something amazing.


4) No need to feel the disappointment of a failed lumberyard visit

One of your favourite things to do is probably visiting a lumberyard or store and looking at the wood they have but how often have you needed something specific and been unable to find it? Sawyers do not have this issue anymore. With a portable mill, you can cut any unique board you need.

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