It has been shown in several studies that team building can have a positive effect on how a team of works operate in the business. This then boosts productivity. A lot of people though do not enjoy taking part in them, so it is important to get it right, make it a positive time that has the kind of impact you want, whether you choose to do indoor team building activities, Perth, outdoor or a mix of both. Avoid putting people on the spot – Not everyone likes to be the center of attention. Keep in mind who your more introverted employees are and try to avoid making them uncomfortable. It is not going to create any kind of team bonding if they are feeling humiliated or embarrassed.
Avoid going too far – While there are times when it is nice to splash out on your workers it does not have to be all about weekend retreats or scenarios that are over the top. Keep it fun but keep to the message.
Think of activities that make your employees feel it was time well spent - Use exercises that leave your team feeling good about the time. Maybe you head out for outdoor team building activities, Perth to enjoy the good weather. Maybe part of the team building is to do some local charity work together. Investing time in the community. Maybe it will leave them having learned a new skill.
Hire an expert – Hiring someone who works professionally helping people work better as a team is a great idea. They can help plan activities and a program based on what you are hoping to achieve, which is proven to be successful and has a purpose. They also know how to properly measure success.
Try not to turn everything into a competition – Sometimes businesses that organize their own indoor team building activities Perth might think it all has to be about competition. Put them in teams against each other kind of situation. You want everyone to learn to collaborate not resent each other. Sometimes people get too focused on winning that prize rather than what the work is meant to be achieving. Teams should be supporting and encouraging each other. Some people might have health issues too which means they cannot participate and then become a 'loser' straight away.
Make it happen during work hours when possible – It is best to have team building happen during work hours so people can resent having to give up evening hours and weekends to the company when they already commit Mondays to Fridays. You will also get better participation rates.
Give staff time to offer feedback and reflect – When taking part in outdoor team building activities Perth they should have a chance to express what they feel about the experience. Encourage them to provide constructive feedback. What did they enjoy, what didn't work well? That way you can adjust for next time.