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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 03/06/2021 in News

Family Law Services Perth Encompass More than Litigation at Loukas Law

A divorce or separation affects more people than the individuals involved. Loukas Law owner, Maria Loukas, understands the many ways in which the dissolution of a union impacts all aspects of a family’s personal, professional and financial life. Counselling is an often-overlooked tool that provides essential emotional support for clients with even the most sensitive issues.

It’s easy to become distracted and feel overwhelmed, even during an amicable proceeding. Loukas Law is the first family law firm to work with a network of counselling professionals to provide clients with critical mental and emotional support so they can make well-informed decisions.

Family counselling Perth is available through a partnership between Loukas Law and Cottesloe Counselling. There’s a multitude of family law-related situations that can exacerbate existing conditions or bring to light unknown disorders. The support of professionals is absolutely critical for children and anyone that has been in a mentally, physically or emotionally abusive situation.

A contentious and public divorce isn’t the only option available to couples. Loukas Law provides individuals with mediation, arbitration, and collaboration. Marriage counselling Perth can be an important part of the process to bring clarity and assist individuals in making decisions about the division of property, child custody arrangements, financial assets, and arrive at dispute resolutions.

Family law encompasses a wide range of legal services of which many individuals aren’t aware. Loukas Law can assist in establishing parentage, child support past the age of 18, and estate administration. The law firm has access to an extensive range of highly-trained professionals in multiple specialties that can gather official documentation to surveillance data when applicable.

The family law services of Loukas Law provides a one-stop resource for all facets of family law. The firm provides far more than simple advice and legal representation. The law professionals know there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to every situation. Each client is treated with respect and the firm approaches every case with care and diligence.

About Loukas Law

We care about seeing you come through your family law process in your best personal shape, so that you can build your best future. We are dedicated to looking after you from every perspective, legally, financially and personally. We are your support, counsel and advocate. Our strength will be your solution.


Media Contact

Loukas Law

Maria Loukas

Phone: +61 (08) 6381 0208

Email: [email protected]

66 Ord St.

West Perth, WA

6005 Australia

Website: www.loukaslaw.com.au

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