When you see someone write down a response to a question asked to them, or using hand gestures to communicate, or use pictures as a means of communicating their emotions or ideas, these are all types of augmentative and alternative communication, also called AAC. Some people will see an AAC speech therapist to help with speech and language problems so that they can communicate better and others can communicate better with them. Many people use forms of AAC all the time to communicate ideas, feelings and so on. Writing a note to a coworker in the office is a simple example. Some of us use it more than others, and many do not even realise it has a name. But people with communication and language problems need it more to help them communicate.
Understanding AAC
Any tools, devices or systems used to support or replace speech falls under the umbrella of AAC. The first A for Augmentative communication where you use other props and tools to supplement your communication attempts. A whiteboard, pictures, key words recorded). The second A is for Alternative communication, this is where people not able to speak at all use tools instead such as a laptop or device that speaks for them. There are a number of reasons why someone might need such tools and systems. It could be to help infants to communicate before they are able to talk, it could be adults that are not able to communicate, or find it hard.
Types of AAC
When you go through AAC training you will learn more detail but they fall into two categories, aided systems and unaided systems. Some prefer one over the other, but in most cases, people would use a combination of the two.
Unaided - You can use your own body to communicate such as body language, facial expressions, gestures and some signed language.
Aided - Aided systems are those that use a device or tool, you have basic aided systems like a pen and paper, whiteboard, picture cards, letters and keywords. Then there are high-tech aided tools such as laptops and pads and speech-generating devices.
Working with an AAC speech therapist
There are a lot of reasons why a person might not be able to use speech to communicate. There may have been an accident that affects their ability to talk, there may be a developmental delay, there might be a disorder affecting their speech. Whatever is causing the ability to speak to be impeded, AAC can help. A speech therapist can help assess you and find the right system for you. They can also help you with getting a high-tech system if a device is needed.
When a person is not able to speak or struggles with it this makes communication difficult. It is confusing and causes a lot of frustration in the person struggling to communicate and in the people around them. People have a lot of thoughts they want to express and it is difficult when they can’t. Often judgements can happen about their intelligence and competence because they are not able to express themselves. With AAC training it is something both people in the conversation can overcome.