Doug McCoy is Known as the ReCreation King by many. He has gone through a lot in his life, and for every challenge or problem, he successfully finds a way to get through.Doug has discovered that there are two ways to learn in life:
• One can learn through experiencing problems themselves
• One can learn from other people’s experiences and save all the time and suffering.
Douglas McCoy has learned life’s hard lessons firsthand and has experienced every bit of pain and suffering going through the process. So he has decided to help people by saving them the time, effort, and suffering of going through these life challenges themselves, giving them a heads up to face the future with smart decisions.His very special mentor, a psychologist in Los Angeles California, the late Dr. William Tanner, inspired Doug to write the How Cool Series of Books. Dr. Tanner was the founder and head of Tanner Thought Dynamics.At the age of 21, Doug McCoy came to England and got to know the doctor. At that time he started studying the teachings and principles of Thought Dynamics. Ever since Dr. Tanner has passed, he began doing his part to progress Tanner’s brilliant works and pass on his understanding of the Miracle of PAR and Thought Dynamics to the world.Over the last decade, Doug has been writing and developing the How Cool Series of Books. He has realized that the world needed someone to share ways around life lessons even if these were learned the hard. way.