Neck pain from texting
Text neck is common with the use of technology. Looking down at your mobile phone, ipad or laptop for too long can cause neck pain. As a Chiropractor I am seeing more patients complaining of neck pain and upper back pain. Neck pain can include symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, neck stiffness and muscle strain.
Bending your neck to look down does not occur only when texting. The problem with texting is that it adds one more activity that causes us to look down and people tend to do it for much longer periods. This can cause neck pain and sometimes permanent damage to the cervical spines that could lead to lifelong neck pain.
So what are the symptoms associated with text neck?
Text neck most commonly causes neck pain, neck stiffness and soreness and it can lead to
- Upper back pain ranging from a chronic neck pain, a nagging pain or sharp, severe upper back muscle spasms.
- Shoulder pain and tightness, which can sometimes result in painful shoulder muscle spasms.
- If a cervical nerve becomes pinched, pain and possibly neurological symptoms can radiate down the arm and hand.
How common is text neck?
Text neck is more common than you think. A recent study shows that 79% of the population between the ages 18 and 44 have their cell phones with them almost all of the time.
Neck pain relief is important for overall concentration at work, school and for studying. Preventing the development or advancement of a text neck is crucial. We can spend decades on a computer, mobile or technological devices and the effects are cumulative.
At Kurilpa Chiropractic & Sports Massage we assess your neck, spine and muscles to see where the problem is coming from. We combine chiropractic adjustments with massage of tight muscles and trigger points to ease the pain. If you have any questions call Adele on 0451-442-968 book online by going to